Monday, May 22, 2006

Continuing on as though I had never stopped...

One might think that it would be easy for a dashing, charming, "good Catholic boy" to get a gig in New England. One might be wrong. I am woefully unprepared for how difficult it can be for a man with no network to get five minutes of time with local directors of liturgy and music to hit them up for the occasional cantoring gig. I should have known better than to try on a Monday. Everyone knows that church musicians are all sleeping off the weekend every Monday. Some of these gals and guys play three or four services every Sunday! Of course they deserve Monday off. Except when I need to hit them up for jobs!!! I'll try again some more tomorrow. In the meantime... I'ma walk the streets of New Haven looking for work.


  1. I'm in the wonderful state of Connecticut, Dude. I'm looking for work and writing my thesis. I'm trying to break into the "wedding singer" market around here. I *would* like a kiwi, actually... I think I'll go down to the store and get one.

  2. "Writing" is obviously *very* broadly defined in Z's world.

  3. Welp. You realize that tons of stuff will probably open up once school starts up. Especiallly in the beginning of the year when pretty much everyone is overwhelmed. Either that or all of the jobs were taken and discussed back in March for the following Fall. It's tough being in a college town during the Summer. Cheerio.
